I cannot speak highly enough of Kim as a professional and a person. She is intelligent, resourceful, fast, kind and fun! I worked with Kim to “figure out” who I was as a professional. We crystallized the skills that set me apart, dug for meaningful and impactful stories of my success, and shaped how I wanted to be viewed in the professional world. I couldn’t believe the difference she made in my resume. Beyond that, I couldn’t believe the level of self-confidence I gained working with her. I now know EXACTLY what I bring to the table and what I’m worth. I learned tips and tricks to job hunting and setting myself apart on LinkedIn and ways to be better viewed as a thought leader. What made all the difference was our coaching calls prior to some big interviews. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that Kim GOT ME MY JOB. I would never have been able to present myself the way I did, ask the piercing questions I did, and connect with the executives in the way I did without her. Working with Kim is the best present I have ever given myself. I value our relationship and look forward to fostering it in years to come. She is second to none in every aspect of her work!