I have had the pleasure of knowing Kim both professionally and as a friend. I have had the privilege to be coached by and work alongside Kim during my career transition in the Los Angeles area with Union Pacific Railroad. Kim is a great coach and teammate as she is extremely detail oriented, patient, builds positive relationships with everyone around her and demands the absolute best from everyone that works with her. There have been countless times that Kim went above and beyond expectations of herself either during projects or finding projects on her own to do, to not only better her own knowledge and broaden her horizons, but to also demonstrate her ability to help others and show her vision to see others succeed with her help.

She has the ability, that I have not seen from too many people, to elevate and motivate an individual to the next level by demanding the very best of them through several different methods.

Kim has shown that she is accountable, professional and a hard worker always eager to gain more knowledge in all aspects. Asking questions to gain more understanding of the industry the client is in, and never being satisfied with any simple answers, but digging in, encouraging and extracting the true motivation and passion from her clients to help them realize their full potential and their impact. Kim would be a great asset to any individual, business, and program looking to transition careers, gain media training, manage talent, and coach for success. I can whole-heartedly recommend her without any reservation.